I am excited to share a new feature for 2022: What’s New with Rabbi Drew? Having realized that I don’t share enough about my professional life, I have been inspired to share what’s been going on for me professionally. While I do not know if this will be a weeklyContinue Reading

I am excited to announce I have created a new series on Pirkei Avot, a collection of dozens of rabbinic wisdom sayings from many centuries ago. This series is taking place in the form of brief videos of me discussing each and every text in the collection. Having kicked-off this seriesContinue Reading

Since moving to Cincinnati this summer, I have taken on a new, fascinating, innovative, and unique job. While I described it on my first day on the job, I wanted to describe it a bit further here. With a job title of Director of Community Engagement and Development, I amContinue Reading

Today began a new chapter in my professional career, as I begin work at a new job in Ohio. My new job, in a nutshell, is to help develop the Modern Orthodox community in Cincinnati, Ohio. Hired by a group of committed community members, the big picture for my jobContinue Reading

Asked to discuss Shabbat prohibitions at the Orange County Moishe House, I did so last week. In my capacity as the rabbi of Southern California Jewish Young Adult Enrichment, I led a discussion with participants on what Jews are not supposed to do on Shabbat. In the discussion, I usedContinue Reading

Having been inspired a few weeks ago to post videos about my work, I have begun a new project. I am calling it my “Monthly Minute”, whereby I post a video lasting 60 seconds or less wherein I describe highlights of my work in the previous month. I just postedContinue Reading