It was almost a year ago that I began to use Instagram for professional purposes, using a separate account from my personal one. I use separate accounts for the same reason that I have separate Twitter accounts for my personal use and professional use: separating out my “brand identities” (for lack of a better term). And, yes, it is unfortunate that RabbiDrew was already taken, so I ended up going with RebDrew 🙁
While I know that some rabbis maintain just one twitter account, merging their identities, as it were, in order to enable their voice to get out to a broader audience, rather than splitting up their audience (and obligating them to understand the different “personalities”), I strongly believe that I broadcast different content. For my personal accounts, it’s about what I’m doing, what I’m interested in, about my children, etc. For my professional accounts, it’s about my professional activities, promoting other groups, and other work-related matters.
I decided to write about my professional Instagramming, since I realized that today’s #ThrowBackThursday picture was my third within a month, having posted one three weeks ago and my first four weeks ago. While in my first year (in which I’ve posted ninety pictures thus far), it only occurred to me a month ago while I was sending out a Beach Hillel #TBT picture (I’ve been sending out Beach Hillel’s Instagram photos this summer) that I could utilize my Instagram account like any other Jewish brand should, with the use of #TBT pictures.
With the greater attention that pictures garner on Facebook than just text, I can also send my Instagram pictures over to my Facebook page. Plus, it is very easy for people to browse pictures and does not require much (any?) prior knowledge for understanding what’s going on, so it’s a very low barrier for engaging people.