This fall, I have found that I have been spending a lot of my work with/for Beach Hillel. To be specific, about 62.5% of my energy has focused on working with Beach Hillel. In contrast to throughout out last year where 44% of my time was with Beach Hillel, this is definitely a big jump. However, just like last year, when I spent a lot of holiday activities, especially with Sukkot, my time oriented primarily to be with Beach Hillel, just like this year with Sukkot.

It is also not surprising since I realized at this year’s annual Hillel staff conference that I would be spending more time endeavoring with Beach Hillel, whether in overseeing our social media intern, running staff learning sessions, or meeting more frequently with students.

However, I did the math and it turns out that, yes, my fall season tends to be heavier with Long Beach Hillel than perhaps the rest of the year, largely due to spending most of my time during the holidays with Long Beach Hillel. However, this year was the most I’ve spent with Long Beach Hillel in this time span in the last few years (I did not include the fall of 2010, since it was a bit tricky to deal with the data (but it does exist)).

Unsurprisingly, I’ve spent less time with non-Long Beach Hillels the past couple of years, since I stopped serving as the Hillel staff member at CSU-Fullerton. Interestingly, the past couple of years have yielded a fair amount of time with young adults, more so than previously (if we were to compare this with 2010, I’m sure 2012 and 2013 would be a lot more than 2010).
In sum, we shall see how the next few months go, especially as I work more with young adults and winter break arrives….